Free Dental Cleanings for Children in Maryland, USA

 Free Dental Cleanings for Children in Maryland, USA
Free Dental Cleanings for Children in Maryland, USA

Hi guys!! I am back to look for more patients for my clinical requirements!! I had a lot of success posting here last time so I thought I’d post again!! Ps: if you’re an adult and signed up already, I have most likely texted you and you’re on a waitlist for April! My current openings are only for kids aged 3-12!!

I am a dental hygiene student at Fortis College in Landover, MD currently in my senior year. I am looking for pediatric patients aged 3-12 to complete my program requirements! The appointments include: •a free cleaning •topical fluoride treatment •goodie bag

If you would like to come in , please sign up and I will reach out with available dates and times!! Thank you!!


submitted by /u/Euphoric_Salary3399
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